Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday reading...

I've read far too many books on KU that have a pretty good idea as a plot, but the grammar and execution make me want to plead with the authors to have beta readers help them. I get it, copy editors are expensive, but there has got to be someone that can help out...unless the authors just don't care. I'm not good at grammar. I miss typos. But things like changing perspectives mid-paragraph can be avoided, and most definitely should be. 
So, fellow self-published writers of M/M romance, I love your creativity. Reach out on Good Reads, connect with another author, have someone look over your work if you truly care about your art. Your fans, of which I am one, will appreciate it. 
Keep on writing. 
*steps off soapbox*

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Having fun with Scrivener and thinking of where to self-publish

How many self-published authors out there use Scrivener? (Yeah, so I haven't published just yet, but I'm working on it.) I love how it keeps everything together. I can add photos, character sketches, research, scenes, import links from websites, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.
This morning I finally decided to check out the ePub compiling in it. I was completely apprehensive about trying to format anything on my own but I found it to be simpler than I thought. I even figured out how to make a TOC!
Maybe this is all old school for you guys, but if any newbie is looking for writing software, I recommend this program. No, I'm not getting paid to endorse it.
In the meantime, any thoughts on where to self-publish?
Found this:
I would love to hear about your experiences and thoughts about these places.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Newbie Post

I’m new to this. Well, sort of. Two years of writing a paranormal romance that lived in my head and my co-writer’s head for nearly twenty years, and what did I do? Write it, shelf it, and start over. A novella is now in the works, the first story is being written all over again, and I can’t help myself.
I have two other creative things I do for a living and two other names I go by, each matching my alter egos-I’m a Gemini so I’m supposed to have a twin alter ego at the very least. I seemed to be blessed with triplets.
A published musician, animal lover, wife, teacher, and soon to be published author.
The voices in my head don’t stop. They keep me up at night. But I love them. Maybe you will too once you get to meet them.