Sunday, February 7, 2016


Limitations can be externally or internally created. The external ones we might not have control over, like a debilitating illness or being laid off, but the internal ones we have more power over than we realize.
Take a moment to inventory your beliefs. Examine the truths of statements you might think, ones like "I'm not good enough for that promotion" or "I'll never have that" for validity.
Someone once said to me that the greatest gift we have is the ability to control our thoughts. The more we focus on what we don't have, the more we concentrate on the negative and limit ourselves from obtaining what we really need. 
This week try taking a small step away from negative reinforcement by turning an "I don't have" into a "I have." For example instead of saying "I don't have enough money to buy a new car," turn it into "I will have a new car" or by simply appreciating the car you currently have. It's not easy. Our thoughts are generally more negative than positive. So for one day, if not all week, try to catch yourself and see if what you're thinking or saying is limiting you from achieving what you want, and if so, reword it into something positive. Good luck.

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