Protection. What does that word mean to you at this moment? Is there a job you want to keep safe, a home, or maybe a child? Or maybe you're going through a challenging time and feel like you're drifting and wish for some assurance.
Things are challenging for me and my family. We are facing a major move (again) for a job, meanwhile my mother is 800 miles away in a place state that offers little to no work for me and my husband's business, and her health is questionable. We moved there once before and it drained us financially and emotionally, nearly caused divorce. But how do I decide between being with my mom for whatever time she has left or staying with my husband and work? I know many people have been exactly where I am. Many have moved and never regretted the decision; many have stayed because they had to. There isn't a right or wrong answer. And I have to believe when the time is right, and our current lease is up, I'll make the best decision.
Protection and being guided. Sometimes decisions are made for us, like a lunch date being cancelled and then learning later the restaurant had food poisoning. We dodge proverbial bullets all the time. It's a miracle, if you really think about it, that you are here and able to do everything you do. I don't think it's coincidence. Sometimes terrible things happen that are beyond our control, and sometimes for no reason. But those things shape us and often define us. I got hit by a car my first year of college, no permenant injuries, thankfully. I sued the driver and won. Had I not, I wouldn't have had the money to finish school. Terrible, but necessary?
Whatever is going on in your life right now, you are protected, and you are guided. Watch your thoughts and remember simply by being you, you may unknowingly be protecting someone else.
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